The acronym stands for:
- Judicial
- Attorney
- Law Enforcement
- Reforms
Eventually, this page will hold a compilation of the many areas of our system, in this age of reforms, that I believe to be worth taking a look at.
Before anyone gets the idea that I am a "bleeding heart" that does not believe in law enforcement, prisons, the justice system: know that if you do, you would be grossly inaccurate. I did not seek out or do anything to have such a high profile case, incarceration and appellate process. The fact that I stand up and fight back for balance; is necessity. Not personal desire or pleasure. I am an intensely private person. A fact that is one of the reasons the mass, viral aspects of the hearsay in my case worked so well for the perpetrators who run it.
It is my personal experience within the system that formulates my belief that there is a very strong majority of the incarcerated who should probably never see the light of day again. There are no words to describe the heinous crimes committed, the dedication and resolve of the addicted to blame everything but themselves nor the callous disregard and disrespect for any other member of the human race other than themselves.
With that said:
If even one life has its freedom and liberties taken away due to a system that is wrong, does not work or shows the same callous disregard for anything other than the power it holds; we as a society are in more trouble than can be fixed. The addicted who are ready to live and change, the non-violent who are shackled and tied forever to the worst of the worst violent criminals, the true victims who deserve the rightful one who wronged them to be punished: all deserve a fair and just system and law enforcement that works.
When we send cops out to go where no one else in their right mind would have the guts to go; ALL lives, including theirs, deserve to be in a healthy mindset with focus on what is lawful, good, right and fair. Nothing less.
When we elect a prosecution, the politics should go out the window. Or better yet, never been present in the first place. Politics and elections have no business being in the business of holding so much power over whether someone lives, dies or has a ruined life.
When we trust a judge on a bench, that bench should be coming from the same law and right for every single person and so-called "discretion" should go out the window or at minimum be doled out under parameters of law rather than the personality of the bench.
As an observer of the system, who has had so much happen to her and so much exposure to so many aspects of the system, I am at a point in my life where I've had enough limelight. What I do not feel I can walk away from is the fact that what I have witnessed deserves to be compiled into a format, that those who want the spotlight on their work in reforms, can take whatever information they wish from that platform and run with it.
This page will hold a few insights and experiences, as a platform that is an information source.