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Over the past few months, it  became necessary to launch some basic information early, in answer to ‘new’ '2020' Troll blogging, etc. from others.  As your comments and questions have come in, some have been answered and some saved for more appropriate times in the future.   Today, the appeal is at a point where some portions of official case status and documents can now launch.  Here’s how this site will be moving forward: The case status is moving towards the final (for this appeal) stages now.   So after two years on this one, there is only another 6 months to a year of waiting to go.

·        Does that mean that things cannot change for the better throughout the wait?  No.  As I have said elsewhere on this site:  your votes have had a number of the major players in public, social and law enforcement power in your region; for literally decades. The political, social, governmental (public funds, tourism) issues that were the driving factors for  this prosecution to even launch, were present all that time and remain so to this day. Long before “Shawnee Ryan”. The band aid that the 2010 era of whistle blowers accomplished and that your city, county and regional governments put on the core containment of the primary individual within your  problem:   myself and my family had been dealing with since the mid-1990’s and long, long before former deputy District Attorney Andrea Bryan’s unbridled and unchecked jubilation in the courtroom at one point in the trial. (Go to “Did you hear that right??” and click on comment response #1).

·        My trial and my case will (eventually) finally end in ways that return what is left of my family and our lives to peace.  What you all do with what your interactions were, within our lives during this mess; can only come from within yourselves.  Change for you, will not happen without involvement to create positive change. Does it take strength to stand up?  More than you could possibly know. 

I am unable to fully post some supporting documents due to active appellate in process.  I can only give you what I can while still pointing you to public records and the access everyone has through requests of those.  As for your not knowing everything you need to pull to get full disclosure of truthful facts; you will not know until I can get to a point of full disclosures on this site.  Your choice.  If you wish to cherry-pick and distort. Or do the right things.

At this time, you will find “Official Case Records” is now launched.  The page will be fully posted with current official records (other official case and discovery records will post as soon as current court processes allow) over the next few weeks.


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