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This is the portion of the appeal that pends now. The State gives no response. If denied, we go to the final exhaustion for the State, which is Writ of Habeus Corpus (i.e. "Show me the Body"). Then on up to federal levels for a federal case.  (Click)

 A reminder that this is a public case.  Always has been.  All of my claims, statements, allegations and filings can be found within those records. Anything kept hidden by the district attorney's office, any attorney, the alleged as "404b" "investigators (hearsay folks) I gave the outlines of to you when I had all the pages of this blog up and live for nearly 3 years. Recently took them down when we hit State Supreme court levels, as it is relevant to keep things in a format acceptable to the district court should we enter into a granted hearing (or) have to go to "Show me the Body" phase. (Which, in this case, is the D.A. showing proof that they followed the law and the rules of federal levels and removed venue from the bankruptcy court and stopping the stay; before putting an arrest warrant in front of the district court).  Eventually, when we are finally done and this all has run its course; this site will hold everything and will be live for public viewing. I am often asked: "How can you stand that?" My answer is always: Because my family and I have already lived it in full, stripped naked view on the internet and most all forms of media output. We still have to live it every day over and over as a few sick people continue to optimize and refresh all of it. This is one place, where those people have been previously named and will continue to be exposed.  The fact that they are covering up their own illegal issues is not my problem. What better way to flush a viper or a rat out from under a rock than to lift the rock aside and throw some light on things?  It does not dawn on them, that in addition to the thousands of pages and printouts of evidence of their work that I have in the hands of the court(s) and Trustees, that are jointly filed with factual records from their banks and contracts to show the timeline of all that energy being put into bringing down a corporation (mine) that they owed nearly a quarter of a million dollars to in unpaid accounts receivables. Without certain individuals within the D.A.'s office covering them: every word they speak, every optimization creation or act they do as they continue to stalk me and my life and family all these years later, simply adds more onto what they are going to have to face in another court at some point. The acts they did in not paying so many years ago and every step since are illegal acts. At this point, one should almost feel pity for them. What a sham of a life it must be, to be so dark and sick inside, that they just cannot let go and finish it. 
I hope you all are staying safe and all recovering, on all levels, from the COVID saga.  Stay safe.        


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